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Christmas pressie idea.............

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The Builder | 20:24 Mon 21st Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
I'm putting together an AB Emergency Kit for those out-of-hours times when even Chuck is sleeping. It will be available at the Answerbank shop........ invaluable for those times when no one is on duty.

Contents include:

Key for bleeding radiators
Pass key to all Greggs outlets
Emergency cake
600mg Ibuprofen
Pack of Flounce forms ............ F1,F2, and F3
Case of Montrachet
RTFM (read the f****** manual
Pies of all nations
Bible translated into Klingon

........... any more ideas?


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the psychic pregnancy test.
a hammer.

don't ask why, just leave one for me :o)
Plasters a hair bobbles please.
And ^
a joke book
The Criminal Justice System 'Guidelines for Sentencing Innocent People'...
lots of links to the Daily Wail..
Question Author
.......... this is all good stuff Campers. Not sure about Sara with a hammer;o(
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......... bobbles???

Psychic Pregnancy? ... is that like Tantric, only without leaving your armchair?
the "Im innocent, but the police say otherwise" guide to dummies, better make it hard backed edition.

Oooo oooo and a text speak to proper english guide, perhaps also in hard back.
A copy of the highway code.
Hair bobbles - for tying up girl's hair (know for magically disappearing even though hundreds have be brought into the house).
A list of sandwich fillings for people to pick their favourite

A years supply of the watchtower

a link to LOL cats
six-week supply of Daily Mail, perforated for easier recycling
dictionary, so you can safely send MarkRae out into the snow to look for help
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lol @ all of you ................... all true though........ "In Beano Veritas" as someone once said.
why can't I have a hammer?

I never get what I ask for :o(
we would definitely need a small gnome standing in the corner.
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Sara ........ because you have a hammer drill. You're on at least Grade VI Diy now :o)
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Vulcan ........ I'm afraid Doc is no longer with us :o(

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Christmas pressie idea.............

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