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I havent seen one in years

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tinkerbell23 | 00:27 Thu 08th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
A wee ladybird!??

Or a ladybug...whatever you call it!

And theyre soo cute. Is it because im not in the garden as much etc as i was when i was a kid ? Or have they declined x


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still quite a few around my way. maybe they have moved south because of the better climate, plus there's more theatre and opera to go to.
They seem to go in waves tink, some years there's millions and others there hardly seem to be any. I remember a few years ago going to Skegness for the day and every where was covered in them yet a couple of miles down the road there wasn't a sign of them
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Well they probs dont like the crappy weather just outside glagow? It was warmer when i was little and i was out playing. I probs dont take the time to notice these days !! :0/ x
there's a whole website about them here

Of course you won't be much use to a survey if you haven't seen any but there's background information.

Also, there is an alien invasion

but presumably you aren't seeing any of those either.
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Lol JNO ill have a wee look!!! I honestly dont remember seeing one since i was really young? ...but i read they have declined...aswell as the other things i mentioned!! Pretty little things xx
looks like the aliens reached Glasgow two years ago
Still too early in the year for them, give it another month or so. The north gets them later than the south as they need warm weather.
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Why do i think ive saw a black one? I also remember greeney looking ones! X
Already seen a few here in the midlands over the past week, last year there were hundreds about.
You do get yellow ones Tink, they are 14 spot ladybirds.
Still plenty around - I have hundreds in the garden huddled togther in nooks and crannies in little groups of 7 or 8 .
where are you Tinks? on the east we get lots.. a bit later on though..
We get lots in the summer here in Ibiza. I love them, remind me of childhood when I thought they were magical! are near our Sqad !!!
I saw several in my back yard last weekend.
Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home
Your house is on fire and your children are gone...
murraymints - yes I know sqad and I are neighbours.
"The north gets them later than the south as they need warm weather. "

Plus they need to order their thermals before heading our way.
Neti..come on then spill the beans....or are you really mrs Sqad keeping an eye out ???...hee hee
I'm in the north, although not as far north as tinkerbell and have seen ladybirds in numbers already. We also had a really fat bee in our kitchen the other day.
That's no way to talk about him, daffy

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I havent seen one in years

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