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I'll bet! He is just gorgeous but parenthood looks so knackering!
It's ok Cazz :) A big relief to not have it anymore and not being worried it's going to go infected again or burst or something, let alone the attacks and general pain and other symptoms.
My system is still adjusting, I had a malabsorption condition anyway and that has gone a bit mental but hoping that will settle. I;m still eating carefully - still can't tolerate much fat or big meals. Still some twinges but healed up nicely despite one of the wounds getting infected - the other 3 are just neat little lines and the bruising has mostly gone down now.
I definitely felt a lot healthier after (my mum said I was yellow when she came up the day before and hospital it was going septic and had split and had stones escaped), showed how ill it had made me feel!
It's taken longer than I thought to recover but despite the digestive issues I'm so so glad it's gone.