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dippy_dumbo | 22:56 Tue 24th May 2005 | Adverts
3 Answers

You know the ones where they have different episodes from 'Cleaner Close'? Well, in the newest one, where the woman wakes up and starts talking about her dream, and how everything in it was white, and then the bloke next to her is dressed in black (shock, horror), this really gorgeous guy appears next to her bed, who she is immediately attracted to. I'm sure I've seen this guy before, does anyone else recognise him? If so, what's his name??

Thanks x



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HI there, sorry if this doesn't help but i have been thinking exactly the same thing everytime i see it! I think he looks like Spencer from Big Brother, if anyone remembers him? I think it was the 2nd one the one Kate Lawler won. What do you think?

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That's who it looks like! I can see it now! But I'm not sure if it's actually him or not! Thanks though!


No probs.. just done a google and it looks like we aren't the only ones who thought this. 928

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