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ramsay's kitchen nightmares trailer

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rushy | 02:00 Tue 31st May 2005 | Adverts
4 Answers

Hey I have posted this ques before but it was a long time ago and the adverts are back on channel 4 much more often now, plus i'm really hoping someone will know cos its an amazing song.

There are no lyrics in it and I'm fairly confident its 60's or 70's not much later anyway. Almost has a Hendrix feel to it so wouldn't be surprised if it was by him but its definitly very well known ....just not by me apparently.

Thanks xx



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That'll be "Green Onions" by legendary Stax group "Booker T & The MG's" The guitar on it is Steve Cropper, familiar to anybody who's seen the Blues Brothers. They also did the track "Soul Limbo" used for many years for the cricket on the BBC, now used on that appalling "Beefy & Lamby" meat advert!
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Thank you so much you've made my day. My summer driving would not have been complete without this track!

Thanks so much


No problemo, if you find you like that kind of stuff, check out "last night" by the BarKays, (another Stax instramental group, more horns) or anything by the Meters, who add a bit of New Orleans funk into the mix!
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ramsay's kitchen nightmares trailer

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