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Supermarket Parking

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madiba | 12:37 Fri 13th Jul 2012 | Jokes
12 Answers
WHILST visiting my local supermarket I was disgusted to find the best parking spaces nearest the door are now reserved for so-called 'Parent and Child Parking'. If these people are fit enough to procreate and produce offspring in the first place, they should jolly well be able to walk across a car park into the supermarket.. The best spaces should be reserved for the people with the most expensive cars. It is us who are likely to spend most money in the supermarket, and to have the most shopping to carry back to our cars.


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LOL, but also very true !
I won't even comment on your assumotion. Why are you posting all these
contrivercial so called "Jokes" here? (not funny)

I thought it was funny
Hilarious. Keep going!
LOL ith you "Disgusted of suburbia"!
Some time ago, after an editorial reshuffle of AB's topics list, I suggested that 'Jokes' should really be named 'Humour'. Obviously, my suggestion wasn't taken up. Madiba's comments, if not strictly jokes, are nevertheless wryly humourous, and on that basis I think they deserve a place here.
Hear hear!

I can only support your view if you promise to spend the most money in the store though.

Deal or No Deal?
If you are paying off an expensive car you wont have much left to buy shopping with .Friend of mine was givig his daughter and her friend a lift in his car .The friend said dosnt your daddys car have a strange noise my daddys dosnt make a noise .The dad said " That is the sound a car makes when its paid for " end of conversation
if you are that rich surely you would send the chauffeur out to collect the shopping.
Fortnum & Mason not deliver round your way Eddie?
and lol@ jem complaining someone's jokes aren't funny :)

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Supermarket Parking

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