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oh good god, i'm such a silly sod

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bednobs | 21:29 Fri 09th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
just watched the John lewis xmas advert and sat here bawling my eyes out!


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Talk to Factor30, he can help :-)
i know, christmas eh? it's frightening
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thanks babes
Get the tissues out : )
I blame hormones. I sat earlier and got weepy watching the trailer for a zombie movie - What The Funicular is that all about? :-)
Shooty, you've wandered in again!
Gabrielle Aplin singing Frankie Goes to Hollywood's 'The Power of Love'
I don't know what CD it's on.
Thanks shoooty,AAAAAh !!
It's ''The Power of Love'' that did it. Honest !!
I once cried watching AI (a sci-if film) and couldn't watch the end and will NEVER watch it ever again.
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ha, when i was pg i once cried at neighbours. Once my husband was watching a film and i cam downstairs in the middle of it, and walking from the stairs to the kitchen i was in tears. The film was that rwanda on, can't remember the name
This is the 3rd year you've cried at the JL advert :-)
erm, it didn't make me cry... not even nearly...
Not silly, bednobs, it's normal. At least, I hope it is cos I do the same thing
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well ummm they shouldnt make them so sad then... I remeber last years (the boy with the present) but what was the year before that? was it the dog in the snow?
I cry at Neighbours all the time! I hide it well though ;-) Was it Hotel Rwanda? I almost watched that once but I decided there weren't enough tissues in the house...
This one's not sad, it's lovely. He brings back the presents for Mrs Snowman - what's sad?
I'm a soft sod and I think that advert is cute !
sibton- didn't you ask for that gorgeous 67 year old. Maybe I misread it

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oh good god, i'm such a silly sod

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