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Off-Putting Eye-Catching Ad

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factor-fiction | 22:03 Thu 20th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Does anyone else keep getting this Bad T shirts ad?

I can't see what's bad about the T shirt- it looks okay to me.

I'm sure it's not a targeted ad based on my browsing profile.

I'm not complaining- I was just wondering


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Not me, but I did have some trouble with a site that kept flashing up some pornography but I e mailed the ed and he got it sorted out.
I get one with a girl with blood all over her shirt - is that the same company?
Nope :c)
Hadn't noticed it
Yes but I've had one with a bad idea on, a bloody splodge I think.
same here, prudie
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I think so boxtops- I used to get the blood stained T shirt one but now I get the woman leaning forwards wearing a skimpy T shirt and showing her assets.
Hold on I'll just go and check what colour the shirt is...
Gives a whole new meaning to somewhere to park your bike :-(
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Thanks for the replies. The ads seem to have stopped. The lady in the ad is how I picture some of the female members of AB- but I won't name names.
LOL factor, I only noticed that ad after you mentioned it last night :-)
I'd noticed it alright factor, and c'mon name names, lets see if we have the same ones in mind lol.
Ah, common factor, don't leave us in suspenders!
I hope he doesn't think it's me :-)
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Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

So do I factor.
well, since you mention it.... in your dreams, guys!

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