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The Explanation

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starone | 13:19 Mon 18th Mar 2013 | Jokes
7 Answers
Little Girl: Mum - what does virgin mean?

Mother: When a Mum and Dad love each other very much and they want to show how much, the dad gives a gift to the Mum. Dad does a special thing with Mum. He takes his special thing and puts it to Mum's special place. This makes Mum very happy and then Dad gets very happy and then there's an explosion. Dad has a lot of seed and they race to see which is first to reach Mum's egg. This is called making love and until you do that you are called a virgin.

Little Girl: I see. So, then, what is extra virgin?

Mother: Oh Sugar! She's talking about olive oil!


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I like it, :)

very good, starone
Fabby Star :)
Heres the video version
Question Author
Thanks puternut. Are we allowed to do post that? Thought there might be some restrictions on it.
Lol, very good.

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