\\\\what is the attraction of widows or widowers? Why would anyone be demanding that as a prerequisite?\\\\
Interesting question:
One first of all has to ask "what is the function of Dating Agencies, online or otherwise?
1) To meet someone of the opposite sex(usually) with a view to a meaningful and symbiotic relationship (Love I think it is called)
2) To find an extra marital relationship in an effort to inject some excitement and sex into a stale and sterile marital existence.
Now if one was looking for option1, then the title WidowDating may well be appropriate, but if Option 2 was the interest then the title "WidowDating may well be inappropriate, or "off putting.
There is no clear cut demarcation of the two options as at any time, under any circumstance Option 2 may overflow into Option1 and vice versa.