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I Couldn't Get Away With It Any Longer.

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Tilly2 | 17:04 Sun 19th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Sadly, today, I put my oldest, loveliest pair of jeans in the recycle bin. I have had them for at least eleven years. They are now the palest blue, have holes in the knees, the bottoms are all ragged and frayed and the seams are threadbare.

I could have got away with wearing something like that forty, thirty or even ten years ago, but no longer. I am so sad. :-(

Have you got an item of clothing that you can't bear to part with?


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My tigerskin thong.
I have an old school scarf ... actually a collection of holes held together with bits of blue and black wool.

It used to go biking with me, but is now rather frail and elderly, it is living in secluded retirement in a drawer ... until I can find a darning person ... :)
//They are now the palest blue, have holes in the knees, the bottoms are all ragged and frayed and the seams are threadbare. //

I thought that was the height of fashion!
My birthday suit.
Hi, Tilly.....a gorgeous demin jacket...bought ten years ago and so way out even I won't wear it.....

And a white jacket...again years old and worn....that I will fit into when the twister has worked its magic.....

Question on Retro's twister thread for you....x
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Is the elastic still working in your thong, Zacs, or has it gone all slack?
It's the only thing that is Tilly. ;-)
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They are the height of fashion, Blackadder but not really suitable for me anymore.

I just looked scruffy, not trendy.

My Budgie Smugglers!
Yilly, if they were a designer brand I bet you could have flogged them on Ebay.
What Tony said xx
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It's a shame you didn't forget the picture totally, Baldric? How baggy are they?

Dave I'm sure you know someone who could mend your scarf for you. Who do you know that knits?

Yont, They are a pair of Trader jeans. Not worth anything but I got my money's worth out of them. I shall keep my Levis, when they bite the dust.
. I shall keep my Levis, when they bite the dust.

Good gal.
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Well, you have to don't you? Can't go putting Levis in the dustbin.
Yes, a pair of much loved and very expensive Levi jeans I bought waaaayyy back in the early 80s when I was still a size 10. The jeans are a size 10, my derriere ain't ! I keep hoping, that one day, one miraculous day, I may still be able to get them up past my knees! By then of course, they will be soooo old fashioned and out of date but I don't care. I just refuse to part with them. They are my "goal"...
I've still got the leather jacket that I used to wear when I was a teenager, hasn't fitted for years but I still can't seem to throw it out!
Though I still have 2 pairs in the wardrobe, I think men over the age of 40 wearing blue jeans should be shot on sight, and that most definitely includes Jeremy Clarkson.
Guess I'm the first against the wall then. :-)
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I took them out of the bin. I just couldn't let them go.

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