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Romally47 | 18:37 Thu 04th Jun 2015 | Adverts
21 Answers
What is the name of the second American actor in the new Hollywood meeracat advert


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Arnold Schwarzenegger ?
Sylvester Stallone ?.
Question Author
Yes I know Arnold did one but there is another actor in a new meeracat advert. I know him but I can't put a name to him
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It's not sylvester either
Oh hang on Sylvester Stallone is in the bread ads.
Could you describe the ad and I'll see if I can find it on YouTube.
Have a look through these to see if it features.
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This fellas white haired old. At first I thought it was Martian scorsaisi. Then I thought it might be Michael Douglas. But I don't think its him either.
robert webb duets with alexsandr but he's english
he is dressed up as an old person
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I've looked on u tube and it's not on. It's really new.
Is this the advert ?.
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Yes that's the advert do you know the actors name
It looks like Martin Scorsese, but I'm not sure.
well done Tony. Although he looks a bit like the people you've mentioned I don't think it's anyone famous.
looks like robert vaughn from the man from uncle
I have a feeling that your right ( not famous ), Prudie.
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Yes he is famous I keep seeing him younger" I just can't place his name. Thanks for all your help it will come to me eventually
Martin Scorsese has Brown eyes ( I think ) the guy in the ad seems to have Blue eyes.

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