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Names Of Dances

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naomi24 | 08:21 Wed 12th Aug 2015 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I was listening to a song on the car radio the other day – ‘Let’s Dance’ by Chris Montez (I had to google that). Anyway the lyrics go, “We'll do the twist, the stomp, the mashed potato too, any old dance that you wanna do....” – and I wondered …. do the club-goers of today invent new dances and are they given names? I think the Birdie Song is the last thing I recall being matched to a special dance.


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Off top of my head- it's fairly recentish.
nuvver one
im not sure of the spelling ...gangnum style ?
Did you have a go, Naomi?(birdie song)
oops upside your head .
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Svejk, // Did you have a go, Naomi?(birdie song) //

Sure did! I love dancing!!
I don't get it. (dancing)
The mentioned dances aren't really dances though. They are dance routines to a particular song.

It's not like the jive or charleston etc.
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Svejk, Given the opportunity to dance I'm unstoppable!! How can you not want to dance?

1ozzy, I'd forgotten Michael Jackson's Moonwalk. Can't say I've heard of the others.
I can't think that the sixties vogue for dances has carried on, except as mentioned, where a certain song attracts a specific routine, which is not the same as the generic routines of yesteryear.
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Svejk - Lol,it's called enjoying yourself!! I love dancing.
went to a dance and the younsters wanted to learn to twist ,i had a great time showing them but could hardly move the next day lol
I don't know - but thanks for bringing back memories of my friends and I dancing and singing to Chris Montez :)
from what I`ve seen I think they are called "falling over blind drunk" or "E`d out"
Here you go, jourdain. ( great record ).
Do 'The Douggie' - Even Mrs Obama has caught onto this dance craze :-)

Boo, the link didn't work :-(
Ah well, there was the Macarena, and of course the dance for Steps 'One for Sorrow' etc, etc and dare I mention twerking?

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