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Biggest challenge?

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turquoise | 17:30 Thu 20th Oct 2005 | Adverts
4 Answers
What do you think is the single biggest challenge facing the ad industry today?


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Personally i think it is beating competition.

Take hair shampoo, there are lots of different brands but how much difference can there be between all of them?!

Yet they still have to try and pursuade the customer that they are better than their competitors.

So i think a big challenge for a company is to find their unique selling point and then portray this to the customers through advertising. 

I am no expert on the ad industry, but I would say overcoming peoples boredom with adverts, particularly on TV.  

How many of us actually watch the adverts on TV, we either switch to another channel while they are on, or turn the sound down, or if they are on video, fast forward through them. 

Companies pay a fortune for their adverts to be on TV, but more often than not they are ignored.

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Hey thanks for your answers guys! If anyone out there have anymore ideas that'll be great! (Help on a project) Thanks guys! xxx

I think the biggest challenge facing the ad industry today is the fact that consumers are becoming increasingly media literate and most people can see through the 'subtle' messages in ads.

Consumers are becoming apathetic to advertising due to its constant intrusion in every day life through television adverts, brand logos on items we own, billboards, etc.

Overcoming this apathey is the industry's biggest challenge.

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