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What Do I Do? Please Help!

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Cindy1302 | 05:08 Fri 23rd Sep 2022 | Jobs & Education
13 Answers
I've been working for a commercial cleaning company for about 5 months. They mostly employ special needs people. There is this autistic man that I was working with yesterday. He's gonna be gone soon so he was showing me what to do so I can cover for him when he's gone.

When we clean the bathrooms, there is supposed to be a cup with the toilet brush in it, and another little brush to scrub the outside of the toilet. Thats supposed to be in one cup. Then there is another brush for the sink that's suppose to be separate from the toilet brushes so they don't cross contaminate. He hands me the cup and all of the brushes are in the same container so big time cross contamination. I try to tell him, but he's just like "I'm training YOU".

Anyways after the shift is over I call my boss and explain the situation. She says "oh no, thanks for letting me know". He worked today right before I came in. I noticed that nothing had changed. All the brushes were still together. I take the sink brush out of the toilet cup and soak the brush in disinfectant for 10 mins then put it in a separate container hoping he gets the message. Now my boss obviously didn't talk to him. Should I just wait to see if he does it again and then talk to me boss, what If my boss doesn't do anything? Should I report the company for that? I don't want to get fired, or have to quit because I'm a pretty serious job hopper as it is.


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Don't do anything, the guy is leaving soon
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He's only leaving temporarily. He'll be back.
It is not your job to put things right. You told your boss and the outcome is now down to him. Carry on and watch the man make mistakes, but do it your correct way if and when he leaves.
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And let him continue to spread germs?
Either let him continue to spread germs, or insist that something is done about it. Make your own choice.

But don't try to make anyone else feel guilty for trying to help you with YOUR problem.
Perhaps mention it's still occurring. After that it's up to your boss to sort it.
I'd tell the people you are cleaning for, as in the hotel, school etc. But anonymously as this is a serious health risk and totally disgusting.
Are the holders the brushes are in labelled. If not ask your boss for the holder and the handle of each brush to be labelled to avoid confusion
You say the employees are mainly special needs. Maybe labelling or colour coding each brush and holder would avoid this situation
This is quite a dilemma, especially as whistle-blowers have little protection from victimisation (in spite of empty assurances to the contrary).

You could always take a couple of days sick and hint strongly to your boss that it was caused by her failure to address the problem and you're thinking of taking it further (e.g. HSE or Local Authority - a risky solution I agree but faint heart never won fair treatment.
I am sure you will get to the bottom of this

when you are talking about lavatory pans, mixing and matching brushes doesnt strike me as dangerous. No practice is going to make a toilet germ free.
and he is not planning to brush his teeth with them is he? - or yours?
or have to quit because I'm a pretty serious job hopper as it is.
then do as they say - and keep quiet

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