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The Malteser Club

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Vagus | 14:49 Fri 16th Jun 2023 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
How do you eat yours?
I put three in my mouth at a time, suck all the chocolate off, then crunch up the insides.
I find one isn’t enough, two sometimes is sufficient but three is the optimum (or should that be optimal?) for complete malteser satisfaction.
I like them at room temperature, not from the fridge. Other half always puts any chocolate thing in the fridge…why??


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One at a time, eat the chocolate off first then suck the insides (oh er mrs) al ways have another in hand ready to start again. Agreed Vagus never in the fridge
Just one at a time, and I buy bags of ‘fun bags’ otherwise I don’t know when to stop.
Have just put Tunnocks Snowballs in the fridge as they were almost impossible to eat - so soft. I keep most choccy sweets in fridge apart from dark chocolte bars. Maltesers ... one after the other!
One at a time. Bag that is.
As Barmaid but I buy them in a box.
Bleurgh. Droppings from evil goblins' bottoms.
Has anyone tried the dark chocolate ones? Don't think I've ever seen them
Barsel, that's hardcore!!!
I freeze mine then crunch!
I once ate a whole box in one go as a kid at Christmas. Was ill as anything so never touched them since.

Not a chocolate fan, except proper Belgium chocs, but if I do it has to be cold.
Not very nice, Margo.
I agree, Scorpio. Dark chocolate isn't right on a Malteser.
A big disappointment in my life………. White chocolate Maltese’s don’t taste very nice. .
PS I adore white chocolate :-(
Jo, I just found a review saying they were very bitter , think I'll give them a miss
Anyone tried the mint maltesers? I used to enjoy mint Aero when I ate chocolate
I tend to have a family bag (jst for me of course) and tend to eat a handful in one go, must be cold from a fridge though. I like them crisp. The bag is for convenience but nothing beats the excitement of eating them from a box, its the noise as you dive in.
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It’s even the noise as they rattle around while you carry them, sets the saliva glands going….oooh, slurp!
I might try freezing them though, I do like a frozen chocolate bar. Has to be a proper chocolate bar though, non of your special ‘ice cream’ ones. I’m thinking particularly of Snickers, I freeze the proper ones but dislike the ones you can buy in the freezer section.
A handful at a time.

Do you fall under “can have them in the house and not touch them, but as soon as they are open they must be eaten”
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Second category.
Might have to try freezing some next time I can’t resist buying them.
I have seen them made, at the factory in Slough. I used to work for Mars. Have you ever wondered why Maltesers are very shiny? Because they are polished before being packed. Tis true folks. They are placed in large drums, similar to a spin dryer, which are lined with felt. The drums are slowly rotated and the felt polishes the Maltesers. Now you know. Incidentally, I rarely eat chocolate.

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