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They're Tasty Tasty Very Very Tasty , They're Very Tasty

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johnny.5 | 13:38 Fri 04th Aug 2023 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
but they're not !.........

but is that jingle now running through your head ?


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Is this it?

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no it was this one
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or how about this ????
When I said No, it didn't mean I want it to. But thanks for the thought :-)
No, and its years since i did the shake and vac and put the freshness back.

A finger of fudge is not enough to give your kids a treat but double diamond works wonders, works wonders.

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oh and Hager the horrible promoting Skoll

but I can't remember the words to that one
It wasn't follow the bear.
The Milky Bar Kid

Boom boom boom Esso blue!!
Wasn't this banned on here a few years ago. Or, maybe I'm thinking about another forum.
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Yes it was Me
Rocky lol
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which is one of the main reasons why Chatterbank was invented
A candidate for the Private Eye 'lookalike' column....johnny and Hagar the Horrible? As the former has no hair by the look of it, it could be a son and father comparison......
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He was first out of the taxi
and last into the pub
says he'd like to buy a round
but (and here's the rub)
He's a little short right now and could he have a sub?
If I was ever reduced to eating sawdust I imagine it would taste like bran flakes.
Having said that, they do their job.
a misconception in the early days of this site had Ross Kemp in the "Tasty Tasty" ad. he never appeared in a Bran Flakes ad, but he did appear in this series:-

I've only got to see the words and I'm singing it.
Now it's getting on my nerves, thanks, Johnny.
mushroom, is that a very young Robbie Williams in that advert?
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no Ross Kemp

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They're Tasty Tasty Very Very Tasty , They're Very Tasty

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