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Nocturn From Khandro

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Khandro | 21:54 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

Why not fix yourself a nice drink - a Brandy Alexander, or even a nice cup of tea, relax & listen to this.  Does anything get any cooler ?



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Very nice indeed. I could happily listen to that again and again.

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 curlyfries, I often do. I've seen somewhere on the comments below a man says he bought the cd 20 years ago, - he's now 93 and says it still brings a tear to his eye everytime he listens to it.


There's something so magical about the sound of a Spanish guitar. 

when is John Wayne or Clint Eastwood going to appear?

Very nice, thank you.

Something to get you in the holiday mood (I hope this works):

Spanish guitar music of PASSION & LOVE | keeping the flame of love in our hearts - YouTube

Oh, can someone give me the idiot's guide to putting a youtube link on here? Thanking you nicely.

This one?

Just beat me Captain2

Very good but i prefer the classical version


This is my kind of guitar music.

Thank you, Captain2. How do I do that myself?

I'm too busy watching Pavarotti's Hyde Park concert in 1991 on BBC4.  I was there, in the rain at the time with my beloved youngest son, now gone.  I will listen to yours later or tomorrow Khandro.

I'll have ago :0))

Whilst playing your song on YouTube, highlight and 'copy' everything from www onwards.

Come back to AB and type https:// and immediately after 'paste' what you've highlighted from YT.

Hope that makes sense!

Wow. Fantastic! 

If you want to listen to classical guitar in its purest form then this is the man.

Well done you!!

I'm feeling inexplicably jubilant. I am not very tech-savvy.

Segovia is a very old man in this recording. Still unmatched for technique.

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