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Wirral Wildlife 31/7

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Bows48 | 11:23 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Any help with these amber listed birds I have looked at list but can't find them
22 whose rare old tango danced for this one (5-5 3)

24 twenty fl.oz. Of French garlic (7)

29 you French with the kings fleet begin seeing trouble over notheren France. (9)

32 has this seabird come all the way from Corsica or Sicily say (13 4)





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24 Pint ail

22 Short eared owl 

32 Mediterranean Gull

^ anag whose rare old T

29 Tu RN st one

should it be Northern Spain? ("E" for Espana)

Question Author

Thank you all found one I missed 

19 it (6.7)

tried the web can't come up with anything


Willow warbler

..anag of www +LLL + I (not l)OR bar ...+ an e 

Question Author

Thanks all and scorpiojo for explanation of 19 I would never have got it

You're welcome, bows.

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Wirral Wildlife 31/7

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