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Blocking Youtube Ads On Tv

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barry1010 | 08:28 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Technology
13 Answers

I have put up with the ads on YouTube but enough is enough. My oldsters are watching canal videos on YouTube with our 10 year old neighbour.

The advert that has just been shown is highly inappropriate and would not be allowed on any commercial tv station at any time.

I would pay £5 or so a month to block adverts but I am not prepared to pay £13 especially as so many YouTube videos have sponsored content (ads) which will still be shown.

Any suggestions?



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I use firefox and some ad blockers and I dont get ads on youtube at all. 

I always use the laptop rather than my phone though

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This is specifically for my TV, Squitty.  

Yes Barry - just saying I can only watch youtube on the laptop because I cant bear the ads at all.

use ublock origin and FF, I never get an ad on YT.

ah sorry barry, on TV can't help, never use YT on a TV.

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Thanks anyway,TTT.

you can't block them on TV without buying premium. 

I pay for YouTube Premium, it's very good.

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I can cast youtube vids to the tv and adverts aren't shown then but my oldsters can't do it 

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Khandro, I pay a few of the content creators on a monthly subscription (not the ones that have sponsored content) so they are not missing out if I skip ads.

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The NewPipe app provides an ad-free YouTube experience on your TV. The downside is a loss of convenience since Account Login is not a feature, and the app is not designed exclusively for TVs. It's available in the Aptoide store.

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I'll check it out - if I can work out how to get it on to my TV.  Thanks, psalm

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Blocking Youtube Ads On Tv

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