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Good Morning Monday Bank Holiday Birds.

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Smowball | 09:16 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

Not that I've had a wink of sleep - blame my cat Molly! She kept nipping me 'affectionately'!! All night! Hasn't done  it for ages. In the end I got up and went downstairs to see if anything was wrong but it wasn't.....

Was just looking at yesterdays ADVERT post - didn't it do well! So many comments and adverts mentioned, was great fun!

Can't even think about dinner today yet - am still so full after yesterdays. I did a chicken & chorizo baked  Spanish risotto, followed by a bread & butter pudding with a twist(I did a layer of choc chip brioche in the middle). Was yummy!!

So who is having a lovely lazy day today? And who's busy doing something?






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Morning, Smow, your meal sounds delicious.

Same old routine, here.  What a dull life I lead 

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Ah morning Barry. Nothing wrong with routine, nothing at all : )

Morning Smow and everyone. The risotto sounds yummy, I have a chorizo and chickpea recipe which is one of our go to recipes. I rarely make a pud as I end up eating it all myself and I need to loose weight.

Not much happening here today, we have a tesco delivery later. Husband has already given older son a lift to the station for his holiday flight from city airport. He needs this holiday to relax a bit

Have a happy day y'all

Good morning Smow, reasonable weather here, so might sit out in the garden having a lazy day reading. (and try not to look at all the Acanthus!).

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Morning Rosetta/calda. The risotto is fab as it's baked in the oven & literally just uses one dish! Things are added at diff times but u just literally open oven door and add to dish, that's it! So so easy. Anyone wants recipe I'll happily give it. 

There was a time when I'd be out with my mates drinking all day on a BHMonday. Now I'm just enjoying the view from my garden and listening to my Husband and cat snoozing. Can't complain. 

Good morning Smow and all.
Beautiful morning here at the moment.
Had a lovely visit from son and family from High Wycombe, didn't last nearly long enough for my liking. They got a lot of my outstanding jobs done for me, and multiple trips to the tip with contents of my defunct greenhouse, as well as the greenhouse itself which they dismantled for me. A long outstanding job.
Not much on the cards here today, so I'll wish you all a good day 😀

We avoid going anywhere on a bank holiday when the roads are awful.  So just a normal one here, will get more of the cutting back in the garden done.

If it is not too onerous, I would love the recipe if you can copy and paste is on to here.

I would also love the recipe Smow, I am all for one pot meals and I often run out of ideas

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Good Morning Monday Bank Holiday Birds.

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