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kora194 | 01:43 Sun 27th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
5 Answers

Eat a piece of Birthday cake that had someone's dentures being blown on it, or says"ew no thank you, I'd rather eat something else?"

I saw this woman who blew her dentures out onto the cake and she was turning 102 years old and it's got me wondering if the people decided to either go ahead and eat the Birthday cake or did they throw it out afterwards. If you were one of those people would rather eat this cake or would you say "no thank you, I'll give this cake a miss?"



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I wouldn't eat it
09:54 Sun 27th Oct 2024

I wouldn't eat it

I think I would suddenly develop a strict no-carbs diet.

60 years ago many would have happily swapped spit in the throes of passion without cake at the end.

Ageist in the extreme.

Not getting any luck doug ?

Gum's the word, OG.

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