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Christmas Wish

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Canary42 | 22:55 Tue 24th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

To all Abers :-

I hope you have a chirpy Christmas, and don't fall of your perches in 2025.

Love from Canary. (cheep cheep)



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And the same wish for you.πŸ₯

Ooh we, chirpy, chirpy, cheep, cheep
Chirpy, chirpy, cheep, cheep chirp

Keep chirping, Canary - Happy Christmas πŸ€ x

Ahh same to you Canary, and keep on chirping away!! We all look forward to your tweets lol!

Merry Xmas everyone!!!!!!

May all your Christmas wishes come true 😁😁

All the best to you Canary, I'll be thinking of your distant relative tomorrow.πŸ¦ƒ

A Christmas wish ?

For an everlasting peace on Earth and good health to all.

And to you, too Canary. I should also like to wish all of my fellow ABers all the best.

Merry Christmas to all x

Merry Christmas Canary and all ABers who visit on Christmas Day.πŸŽ„

Like many others I am on my own today.  Luckily, I enjoy being away from the stress that other people bring.  Alas it also means no surprise visits from Santa and no more presentsπŸŽ… πŸŽπŸŽˆπŸŽ„




 Merry Christmas Wolf. I hope that you have a lovely, relaxed and peaceful day x

Happy Christmas all my AB mates, thanks for putting up with my grumpiness!  Xx

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