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Spam And Junk Mail

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smurfchops | 18:38 Fri 27th Dec 2024 | Technology
9 Answers

I get a lot of spam, I.e. McAfee etc saying I have won stuff.  Should I just delete all these without reading them, which I have been doing,  or should I open them, not click on any links, and send an Unsubscribe message back?  



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just delete do not open or respond at all. If you send the unsub message back it will just verify yours is a real address and you'll get about 100 times more.

Have them directed to spam folder. DO NOT "unsubscribe".

Do not ever click unsubscribe, that simply tells spammers that your email address is live.

Just keep deleting 

Is it worth forwarding to the report@phishing address?  Do they do anything?

I report phishing and scam emails to that address but not spam

Never use the unsubscribe link in unsolicited stuff.

Agree - direct them to Mark as Spam without opening them.

Can't you block them

Blocking rarely works. Spammers generate unlimited numbers of email addresses so are unlikely to use the same one again.

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Spam And Junk Mail

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