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flickster | 14:12 Fri 10th Mar 2006 | Adverts
4 Answers
Hi - I'm desperately trying to find out what the music is to a Visa advert I have seen recently. Many sites are saying it is Breathe by Telpopmusik but i don't think it is that. Has anyone seen an alternative track with another sound track and know what it is? Cheers


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I've got Breathe by Telepopmusik if that assists (could maybe send it you to compare) but beyond that, not seen the advert etc. Sorry.
If it's that ad with the woman sat in the resteraunt with a cup of something and a feild or something it is telepop musik as i have it. If we are talking about the same ad.
Spot on! You are absolutely right in thinking that it it is 'Breathe' by Telepopmusik. An excellent track.

hi, it is breathe i was trying to hunt it down too. Go on the i-tunes website and search for telepopmusic - breathe and its the remix by 2 square. Good luck x

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