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SOGOOD | 15:28 Sat 29th Jul 2006 | Adverts
7 Answers
why are there no asians in adverts?


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There are. The one with the kids/adults car thing (Zafira?) for starters
''fancy a butchers'' ... that cracks me up Asian Cockney
Funny you mention that because I've just noticed one in a new car ad. The one that has a whole load of cuddly, furry animals describing a car. Don't know which car it's advertising but the point is it's not cuddly and costs, I think, around �21,000.
cully's the Dodge Caliber advert
...I just wet my pants...
there's that annoying bloke in Halifax
Oh and there's the BBC intro thingy with the Indian Dancers!!! I love that x

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