I think most "*oogled" their way here by asking the same, excat, pat question - (most notable around coursework submission time).
They get a reasonable answer, and, henceforth, any spotty oik who cares to insert verbal form of search-engine brand name "resistance of a brick" gets directed to this site, whereupon they proceed to ask the same question.
I myself came across AB through a search engine, but it took me months of "lurking" before I dared post an answer, let alone a question!! (Even though there was only QM, bernardo, loosehead, and the long-missed-not-so-frequent poster in a pickle (who started about the same time as me)
I think we all rise to the same bl**dy questions being posted again and again - although, through years of therapy, I have largely risen above responding with bile and venom.
Mind you, getting in after a few pints, my tolerance may diminish, especially if the qstn is writ wiv txt spk innit, or the poster what should of [sic] checked the "has your question been answered?" page proceeds to post there [sic] question.
Now I'm not saying that every quetion has to be correctly spelt, punctuated and grammatically correct - people who pick out every spelling error / typo are a pain in the a*se.
But I'm sorry, I would rather answer any sincere question, however spelt, over one that could not be bothered to either;
construct an answer without using txt spk
that could hardly fail to notice that there [sic] question had been asked (and answered) in the last tasty-tasty-very-very-tasty, M&S-ing, T-Mobile(what-"latest"-effing-T-Mobile-ad-are-you-on-about???) that appears two sodding questions and a whole hour below yours!
Apologies, BOO, rant over. I have calmed down now and have booked therapy to restart on Monday..... 2,3,....breathe.........4,5....and out.....