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delly0408 | 23:54 Sat 18th Nov 2006 | Adverts
3 Answers
Can anyone help me with my coursework please. I would like to know of any travel organisations that sponsor non travel organisations for example I'm a celebrity get me out of here used to be sponsored by First Choice.
I would also be interested in similar sponsorships, sport supermarkets ect.


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I am also probably going to have to do this work aswell, as I am doing maketing of travel and tourism next term.

Anyway, British Airways sponcers Capital Radio London in the daily 9-5 and listeners can win prizes like flights. To be honest that is the only one I can think of at the moment but I will post more when they come to me.
fly emitrates support arsenal?
virgin airways sponsored crystal palace years ago
emirates sponsored chelsea a couple of seasons back
thomas cook sponsor manchester city
british airways also sponsor or own the london eye i would of caled that a non travel org?

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