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7 dogs, SEVEN ? I'm stunned. But Bravo, BJ..that's
my girl. I have one little mongrel, Border Terrier type
dog, though I don't know which border. Sally is much,
much loved by her daddy-dog, and vice versa, I think.
She was a rescue-dog, bought from the RSPCA,
following gross cruelty and neglect by some
psychopathic former owner. Problems ++ at first, but
now the happiest dog in Christendom..
Work ? Lecturer in Psychology, sort of semi-retired.
Interests include chess, military history, freelance
writing, criminology, guitar, travel and dogs.
Reading tastes are non-fiction, with an enormous
reference library on every subject under the sun.
Your fitness schedule makes me a couch-potato by
comparison, but I used to be a cycling fanatic and an
active caver for some years. I do some gardening,
perforce, and DIY as and when required.
Never had kids, just a succession of dogs, and one cat.
Pet hates include football, politics, chat-shows, soaps,
cheese, parties and fireworks.
There, that's me in a nutshell. The original nut. Sx