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pro evo 6

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dan1011 | 00:11 Sat 06th Jan 2007 | Video Games
2 Answers
i would like to know if pro evo 6 is being released on the original xbox??i know its out on all other formats and think its a little unfair for those with an xbox who cant enjoy this quality game


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No plans to be released on the Xbox. Support for the original Xbox dieing out now. The same will start to happen on the PS2.

If you want the latest games, you will need to get a new console. Xbox 360 or PS3 or Wii
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cheers mate but i dnt wanna be spending 300 plus on a new console when i can get modded games for a quid on my xb.just think its ridiculous that its out on all other formats including the piece of crap people call a ps2 and even on the pc!!!!and not on the xbox.

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