How can you tell if you have a real or a fake Gucci bag?
My mum recently bought a second hand gucci bag and I am usually quite good at telling fakes. This is fantastic quality though so I can't decide if its real or not.
Baisically the price she paid for it. Some of the copies available now are so could it's really hard to tell the difference. But if the price sounds too good to be true - it's a fake.
It was second hand so I can't go by price. Bought from a couple at a car bootsale in a wealthy little country village. The couple seemed very well off and were very well spoken too. The other items they were selling were good brands and quality items.
Look at the stitching. If it's anything but PERFECT and i mean PERFECT it isn't a Gucci. By PERFECT i mean that the stitching is equidistant from the hem / edge EVERYWHERE on the bag. I've seen some near perfect Gucci fakes in Thailand, but they are usually let down by uneven stitching somewhere on the bag. Also check that the liner is in good condition and is not made from an inferior quality to the rest of the bag. Hope this helps. Good Luck!