I think it cuts both ways. We also see alot of mens butts in ads these days but you never hear these women complain about that.
In any case, what's the problem with seeing the flesh of your own sex?
No doubt you'll hark on about "exploitation" and "we're not objects" etc etc (yawn).
I'm female and I agree with you Allan K. It doesn't bother me at all to see naked members of my own sex - and I thoroughly love seeing the gorgeous Oliver Lawton in the Head and Shoulders ad and Ian Lawless in the Lacoste ad wearing very little! Exploitation my butt - if you look lovely scantilly clad and if other people enjoy seeing you like that, go for it!!
Good for you, ljo.
One other point I'd like to make about the question asked. I think most things advertised with "women's half naked bodies" ARE for women!
what is "gbendel" - a male or female? Whoever it is, they've gone very quiet.
well allan k, I haven't gone quiet, I have just logged on! You have got the wrong end of the stick, my point was that as a majority of things advertised are for women, we don't need to see women's bodies, I'd rather see men, there aren't enough!
Sorry. I must learn to be nicer when I answer questions. I just feel that men get the raw end when it comes to mens/womens rights.
I think we should have plenty more naked flesh on offer. We do tend to resrtict the majority of society to make that little old lady happy.