two ladies are at the gates of heaven....
......waiting to be checked in.
First lady asks "I hope your death wasn't anything nasty?"
2nd lady says "I froze to death actually"
1st: "How awful!"
2nd: "No, it wasn't that bad really, eventually, I couldn't feel the cold anymore and just drifted off to sleep. How about you?"
1st; " Mine was much more manic! I'd gone to work in a mood, convinced my husband was having an affair. He was supposed to be working at home, but I was sure I could catch him out. I returned home without warning, expecting him to be up to no good.
To my surprise, he was in the garage, tinkering with the car."
2nd: "Was that the end of it then?"
1st: "Not at all - I'd worked myself up into a terrible state - screaming that he must have hidden his mistress somewhere. I ran around the house like a woman possessed! I looked in all the wardrobes, under beds, in cupboards. I even managed to scramble up the ladder to the loft. As my temper and blood pressure rose, my heart went into arrest and I dropped dead!"
The second woman said
"If you'd have looked in the freezer, you dozy bitch - we'd still be alive!"