That is very true, Leg. :O(
If you're single in your 30's, some guys will see you as desperate and try to take advantage. It's up to you to make out the good guys from the bad, and sometimes it's not that obvious.
Have to add that being in your 30's is also a lot of fun! You're being taken seriously, can have inteligent conversations in pubs without the pressure of being seen as flirting, you have more money (usually! lol), you know who you are and aren't afraid to stand up for yourself, and the guys are also generally more mature.
I dated in my 30's after my 1st marriage broke down and I met a wonderful,caring man who did'nt mind the fact I had 2 kids. We got married and I had my 1st baby by him when I was 33 and the 2nd at 35. Sorry Leg:-))))
Well the games have definitely disappeared on my part!
I have found that because I don't pin any hopes on someone, I don't need to worry whether they think I am texting too much, or not enough and all that other cr4p.
I have my own home and my own life and although willing and keen to let someone in, I am content without. And I have noticed that the guys (one at a time obviously!) just seem to be fall much quicker than they ever did in my 20s.
As for there being something wrong with people in their 30s who dont have baggage, i am here to prove this wrong (although obviously you will think what you want to think)