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logic | 10:12 Mon 19th May 2008 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I hate mornings, and what makes it worse, is that there is a bluddy bird whistling outside, as though it's trying to do me head in,

So iv'e put the cat out, it will be peacefull in a minute,

Bluddy kids have just gone past on their way to school,
Mobile phone in one hand, fag in't tother.
Pobably a can of Fosters in the satchel, little ******.


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its monday its morning how can it be good?
Question Author
fluffy,>/b> i never said it was good, did I, ?
Logic, it's a shame you can't be paid by the hour for being'd be minted! ;-D
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can't even get bold typing right nar, Damn ,I'm going back to bed.
lol logic, thats just my statement of the morning
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aprilis I'm not grumpy, as every one would have you believe, It's just that I'm not as morningy, as most people,
a very good morning to my grumpy old fart of a dad,,,,,,
was it to much beer last night,,,
Logic, I am definitely not a morning person myself. I hate mornings (as anyone who knows me would testify) and it's highly irregular for me to be on AB this early. I'm generally one of the late shift. Strangely, and despite having not slept at all last night, I'm feeling rather chipper this morning.
hang on, I thought it was my turn with the 'misigog hat'???

was up at 1am, 4am and 7am last night!
You can wear the misigog hat Red, it's going spare as logic has his morose one on today! LOL
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I was all self inflicted in your case red so you know what you can do with your misigog hat, and as for you codger, don't be so cheeky, your'e not to old to get a clout round t tab.
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It was , not I was.
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AAAAArrgghh stuff the lot o yer , am of ter garden,
Logic, the more unlovable you try to be, the more lovable you become. Ya daft ole g!t.
Logic can I be grumpy with you today?
Question Author
NO 4Get i want to be grumpy on me own,
I thought of it first, so sod off.
for someone who's woke up in a grump this morning, i think you're very quirky and still manage to put smiles on faces. :-)
p.s. i know wot you mean about those blinking birds!!!
Get stuffed

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