42" chest, 38" waist, 30" inside leg. As you see, I suffer from "Pancake Syndrome," getting shorter and wider with each passing day. And I'm 13st 9lb. Shocking, but maybe there's a market for a body like mine, making people laugh perhaps?
I'd like to do it - I don't want to think that I'm going to be in my job for the next 11 years before I can retire!
Hi Theland, long time no see - I think male modelling is an excellent career move.
I took a big drop in pay because the hours suited me.
It was an extremely busy doctor's surgery, and the existing staff were just too busy to train me, so I was left to pick it up as I went along.As I was a good 15 yrs older than the others they just assumed I would know what to do due to my great age! It was horrendous, and the GP's attitude to the staff was appalling.
Sorry for the delay in replying- had to change browsers.
Hi Theland! - nice to see you! xx
Theland, as long as your chest is bigger than your belly, you will be OK (ish). Watch it doesn't creep over 40" though as you will increase your rick of diabetes and all manner of ailments.
I pushed my waiste up to 38 a few months ago and lost 4 inches in a fortnight. Easy peasy!!!!
Hi Mrs Bath. Just telling these lovely folk about my plans as a model.
The new range of Ethel Austin knitted thongs could be the opening I've been looking for.