Any ad. with Andi McDowell in it - I am a patient person, but I have to hit the change or walk out of the room, depending how wound up i feel at the time.
Oh god all those ads for sofas really get to me,sometimes there are 3 in a row all from different companies!! Do yourselves a favour csl,scl and whatever the hell you are called and pee off!!
The one for LV insurance and that annoying little jingle......
I could quite happily ram his DWEEEE DWEEEE up his ar$e !!!
Anything with a made-up word. trying to make itself sound important e.g Boswelox, bifidus digestivum, activus regularis, pro-retinol. What a load of old toot. Do they really think we're going to fall for all that tripe?
Also Andi Mac Dowell, Halifax Howard, Sensodyne or any advert that take talks soooo seriously about petty "problems"!
Loads of people seem to dislike the same adverts. Halifax, the sofa ones and Andi McDowell and I agree with all those, also Davina MaCall talking to her "mum" on the phone about her hair colour-so realistic-not.
Yeah, that's a mad, pointless claim. Also I'd forgotten how irritating Davina Mc Coll is in the ads, one in particular where she's all flirty with her mum on the phone, what's that all about???? Silly moo!