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I feel awful, I nearly knocked a man down this morning.

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daniela31 | 12:26 Mon 26th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
I was coming out of Tescos car park, and they have this stupid system where all the cars leaving the car park have to pass in front of the shop! There is a zebra crossing and more often than not you have to stop for shoppers. But this time there was a securicor van just past the crossing, and then all of a sudden, just as I was passing said van, a man stepped out from behind it........It's a good job I was going slow! He waved at me and mouthed 'sorry'. But it shook me up a bit.


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It's people like you who cause accidents by going slow,
If you had been doing about forty you would have been well gone before the poor chap stepped out,

TUT TUT TUT wimmin.
No need to feel bad. Nobody got hurt and It was his fault for stepping out without looking. Put it behind you and have a good day.
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It was scary logic.
Stupid man stepped out in front of me without lookin!
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Thank you grasscarp. :-)
I will try.
a grown man should know better then to step out from behind parked vehicles.
what matters though is that you DIDNT hit him, hes ok and has probably forgotten about it, try to do the same.
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yes you are right red.
He had a bunch of flowers in his hand.
I think he is probably in the first flush of love and had his mind on other
NO you should feel guilty, you might have killed the poor sod.
they were probably an apology to the woman who almost ran him over yesterday lol
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I don't think I would have killed him logic. :-) Might have broken his leg, but unless I reversed and ran over him again would it have done much damage.

Maybe i should have left my address then red.............I could have got flowers tomorrow.
Ha ha Redcrx. The securicor is not without some blame in all this. He shouldnt have parked near a crossing.
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Must try harder.
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grasscarp, it's true. but they usually park as close to the shop as they can get, then just run in don't they?
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No knowledge...............I felt like getting out of my car and slapping him. stupid man.
I wish you would all stop making excuses,

daniela is a woman driver,
Need I say more, ?

End of.

He must have realised his mistake by mouthing sorry. You have nothing to feel guilty about but does shake you up.

Bet he didn't even give it another thought.

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Awww, poor daniela. It shakes you up doesn't it?

Last year I was driving when a drunk female pensioner stepped off the kerb, my wing mirror clipped her and she fell over. She wasn't hurt but I felt terrible about it.

What made it worse was that I later found out that she had been to her daughter's funeral.

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I feel awful, I nearly knocked a man down this morning.

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