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Watch adverts. Really?

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silverlace | 07:09 Tue 10th Feb 2009 | Adverts
7 Answers
Does everyone really watch adverts? I turn the sound down or change channels when they come on. Maybe I'm missing something.


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I hope people watch them, I've worked on hundreds of commercials over the past 20 years, I wouldn't have much work without them!
The last advert I watched was the recent PG Tips Al and Munkee advert on YouTube after I heard about it.

I never watch tv adverts.
Like some like the one where the guy goes down the tube to the music by creedence clearwater revival i think!!!
There are some truly great adverts like most of the Guinness ones (white horses , dominoes etc): =Guinness

and the Halifax (Ireland) ads that are far superior to their English counterparts . The Ballromm Blitz one is a contender for my favourite advert ever: =HAlif
No....I use the time to put the kettle on, pour more wine, check on the dinner, fold clothes from the tumble dryer, load the dishwasher etc, etc....... Its amazing how many odds and sods of jobs can be done in the ad breaks!
I watch them and I love the water chute one for Barclaycard. Puddicat - the music is by the Bellamy Brothers. I love the Guinness ads as well, so don't despair tony, i bet there are loads of people that watch them.
If we didnt have adverts how would we possibly know what consumer items to buy?

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Watch adverts. Really?

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