Many thanks for all the replies re the above. For a matter of interest I bought the human treadmill for Mickeys xmas present dec2007 and he goes on it winter only with a fitness programme Seb Coe would have approved. He is 8 year old large male neutered Sheltie weight this week 19.5 kg looking for about 15kg. He did go down to 18.3 kg month back.
Abers may like to know that he is under the vet £400 since March and £2811 for Bristol( thats the correct figure) and still counting as under active thiriod and cushings are being investigated.
Mickey loves his treadmill and runs to hallway for the `ride` He got used to it on the second time of use and never looked back. I have plenty of videos of him `working`
I am now going to try some maths at converting humane to canine cals. Many thanks
He does sound on the heavy side, and if a medical problem ie: under active thyroid, you will obviously have to treat with appropriate medication. Why do you need to convert human calories to canine calories? The only way to lose weight is less food ie: calories and more exercise. Its great that he loves his treadmill, but why cant you give him some normal exercise with walking and running outside?