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Anyone got a couple of spare christmas dinners please??

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Bobbisox | 12:35 Thu 24th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Well !!!!
We went to the airport at 6-o clock this morning and stood patiently at the check-in , we were then told by a rather bored looking individual, "The Faro flight has been cancelled" when I asked her why, she said she didn't know but sent us to stand in another queue to find out, it wasn't the weather conditions but they couldn't get any crew to cover because it was classed as emergency hours and they had already worked their total helping out other air-lines !!!
We were told the next available flight for us was the 29th December, so here we are back home with nowt in the freezer, a wad of Euros which we will lose out on, no Christmas cards up as I took them down rather than leave them till the 7th of January, no tree !!!
Fluffing Jack-sh!t,
So theres no LOLs from Bobbi today !!



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Oh bobbi I'm so sorry to hear that :-( Someone was wondering yesterday whether you had got on your flight
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Hi rinks, thing is it was not due to bad weather, I have been a bit upset, but I will rally round no doubt
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thanks for your kind words everyone, I feel annoyed and sad,
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So you won't be going on 29th either?
humbug shouldn't you be shopping?!
that's a shame Bobbi :o(

at least the supermarkets are open.. go and grab some groceries and paint on a smile. perhaps you can get away in the New Year x
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whoever he/she is, I can't say they have ever been awful to me, so I thank them for their kind words anyway
Nip to the bank or post office before they close and exchange your euros. Then phone around and see if you book a last minute Xmas lunch at a pub somewhere. What with the recession and all that, there could well be space for a couple of littl'uns.
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No I won't be going on the 29th either rinks, everyone has commitments and we look after our grandson, I feel immensely sorry for those who have put their pets in accommodation and such, vibes your'e right, I will smile and think, it wasn't to be..LOL (there you are)

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still lose money tho' vibes because of the £ against the Euro

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Anyone got a couple of spare christmas dinners please??

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