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around the world

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suequiz | 10:49 Thu 31st Dec 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Can anyone assist please? - I'm really stumped!
These are towns and cities around the world including some in fiction and song.

Transport. dummy! (7)
Naked Lady? (6)
Irritate, according to Miss Squeers? (5)
Pre-decimal coins? (8)
Brian's curse (8)
Neolithic family's mainstay? (7)
Underwear present (7)
Left Roy Orbison's band! (5)
Nothing back for Thomas here! (6)

Many thanks Sue


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Bedrock .
Left Roy Orbison's band! - Porto?
port(left) + o (the big o!)
Pre-decimal coins - Florence?
sounds like florins
pre=decimal coins... long shot, could it be FLORENCE (FLORINS?)
Brian's curse - Brisbane
bri's + bane (curse)
Transport. dummy! - Karachi?
there used to a famous ventriloquist with a dummy called educating archie ?
Miss Squeers, who, being excited, aspirated her h's strongly
Irritate, according to Miss Squeers? (5) - Hanoi?
Question Author
Thanks to you all particularly Fibonacci.
I didn't know about the Big O or Miss Squeers.
Can I add three more I still need?

Up and away? (5)
Damaged ones foot! (7)

Thanks Sue
I have
Berlin for naked lady
Nicosia for underwear present

Have you got
Interfere (5)
Protects, with you, a utility vehicle(9)

Question Author
Hi jcaplen
I've not got interfere - thought I might be able to get that from a thesaurus but not so far.
For Protects with etc I have Vancouver
Thanks Sue, I now have Tampa for interfere.

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around the world

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