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joanna lumley ... annoying voice

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joggerjayne | 18:24 Mon 19th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
42 Answers
I know this is very un-PC

I know Joanna is a saint.

I know she campaigned for all the little ghurka fellows.

But ... the way she talks ... as though she's out of breath ... or having sex ...

... isn't it annoying ?

(or do you guys like that sort of panting voice?)


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Made her alot of money when it comes to advertising
I think she's fine as she is!
is that a little green-eyed envy in your post there JJ lol
Oh shame on you Jayne!

I like Jonna Lumley, and I think her voice is lovely, all soft and posh sounded. She doesn't sound like she's chewing gravel which I sadly do.

Plus, I thought her making a pair of shoes out a bra for that desert island programme she did a few years ago was inspired!
I can think of more irritating voices jj. She will do for me.
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I sound just like her jj.............but with a few 'aye ups', 'happen', and 'buggers' thrown in. It's because i smoke.
Plums in mouth perhaps :-o
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I'm not jealous at all, bob ... =0/
she speaks very highly of your voice, JJ, she says she's always tried to emulate your diction and regrets that she's fallen short.
Maybe if JL threw in a few "jollys" and the occasional "fabby" jno??
yes, that would do it, B00. She's already doing pretty well with the drinking, it's just the vocabulary needs a bit of work.
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Well, crafty has JL's vocal tone, but a different accent.

I (apparently) have JL's accent, but a different vocal tone.

Between us, we could do an impression.

<<will not be impressed until you make a pair of shoes out of a bra Jayne.
She reminds me of a schoolmistress I once had " lardhelmet I will not tell you agan - STOP running down that corridor!"
Two posterior pains in the same thread - what are the chances of that ?
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B00 ...

JL throws in plenty of "jolly"s ... I think.

(do I say that?)


Well, she did in Ab Fab, anyway.

It's just the constant "gasping" voice that I find hard to listen to.
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B00 ... my bra wouldn't be big enough !
Oooh lardy - you have just given me a Ronald Searle memory. Did you play hockey at school?

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joanna lumley ... annoying voice

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