Bill Bailey may be right because the current comedian Bill Bailey calls himself the 'part troll'
I thought the old song was called Won't you Come Home Bill Bailey but I may be wrong.
Thanks, thecorbyloon. Maybe I'm thinking of a different song - I thought it was called Bill Bailey (Won't you come home)'.
Who sang the Bill Bailey song you are thinking of?
I had a look on site that lists all the UK hit singles and the title is shown as Bill Bailey released 1960. Wikipedia shows it as Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey? released the previous year. Could it be it had a different title in the UK?
The answer will be Bill Bailey.
But according to most sources the title of Bobby Darrin's song was Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey
That's what it's called on this Very Best of Bobby Darrin album, for example.
No doubt some publications shorten the title to save space.