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Stannah Stair Lifts

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marcus5771 | 09:19 Mon 28th Feb 2005 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
Recently my parents had to call Stannah Stair Lifts because one of the chairs failed to work. Why would the company charge a call out of �189 plus parts ie Batteries two costing �60 each surely the is rip to the old, fail or disabled.
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Batteries don't last forever but unless they live somewhere really remote �189 call out seems a bit steep to me.

look up some independants on the internet such as


you could get quotes from them as to what they would have charged and go and complain to Stannah if it's much less.

Either way phone around and see who you're going to call next time there's a problem. Sounds like Stannah are cashing in on their status as the manufacturer - you might even find they use the same engineers and  just charge commission.

My mother has had a lot of trouble with Stannah.  Their charges are sky high.  Also their maintenance work is of poor quality.  She has been left stranded half way up or down the stairs on several occasions after faults had been suppposedly put right.  I have had some of her bills credited after threatening legal action, but there must be quite a few vulnerable people who have no relatives or friends to take up their cases.

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