Quizzes & Puzzles10 mins ago
It hasn't much fur there so I can see there's no sign of a tick or any kind of a wound. Any thoughts?
Went to use a very favourite pair of glasses last night at CU -now favourite as in lenses although they were £200. Couldn;t believe the legs were chewed - I truly never let these glasses down on the...
19a musical tenor quits? Could be me 3 and 7 ?a? ??a?e?s
and drinks for England as soon as he realises he is going out? The minute I change my shoes, or pick up my keys, or grab a handful of poo bags or unhook his lead, he's off, throwing water down his...
have fostered a romainian dog, had her 5 weeks now, she is terrified of humans but loves other dogs, she has got a skin condition which the rescue says is caused by stress, we bath her in special...
A friend's 10yr old Staffy has been diagnosed with the above and has received differing information.....chemo and surgery, with a strong likelihood of faecal incontinance and no certainty of a cure,...
As you know I love him to bits but on top of a few irritating bits and bobs - the one thing is that I don't seem to have any control of him coming to me at my command. Sometimes what I have to do is...
Hi there, I wonder if anyone could advise me as to what the best wet dog food is? I believe that many of them are full of sugars and other things that are not good for the dog. Are there any...
and have been in contact with a few kennels, but they don't seem to have hardly any, and most I see are Staffies. It would be a shame to buy one with so many dogs needing homes, but they keep sending...
In September 2010, a friend of mine passed on a black-and-white DSH female cat to me, that had not had a great life so far. She was approx.8 years old, and had been passed around from pillar to post...
Maxie is doing well and I feed him with dry food and wet food and a little bit of chicken etc. However, I find it very unusual he adores bread particularly the crust - he so enjoys chewing them. This...
As he is whitish/pink dog - gunk carries on in the corner of dark eyes every morning you know as in crust. I have tried wiping with the warm etc but no matter I do have to "pull" them out of the fur...
Please can I have your thoughts on some basic quetions.I have recently inherited 2 Shubunkin fish (medium) along with a 75 litre tank..How often should I feed them.How often should I change the...
Well his wee face was completely covered in fur and indeed all of him was so off he went to be groomed yesterday. His fur isn't great or thick - anyway we will start from scratch??? (he is scaldy...
A year ago I was given a beautiful golden retriever aged 14 months. This is her third home. I have had dogs before but have no experience of this breed. She seems to have almost constant diarrhoea,...
how to identify the breed of the dog
Last time I took my 19yr old cat to the vet for a check up he said he was in good nick, had a strong heart but a bit smelly. I didn't worry too much at the time, but he is! he does smell and I notice...
Our otherwise healthy staffy has started to literally back up 3 or four paces before jumping into his sofa ......he bounds on without any problem and is not lame or off his food ...... why would he do...
Hes prone to it.
I have some Chlorhexidine ive read its very good- as is coconut oil which i also have... Anyone have any experience? Its mostly in is "armpits" and one paw x...
Kitten is full of energy, seems otherwise normal. has been in the house for a week. not sneezing all the time, but should I take Her t a vet?