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I would consider the words from, just & only

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Manwithnoname | 12:07 Sun 12th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
As being 3 key words in salesmanship, what key words would you consider in an attempt to grab the, attention of the punter.


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"from" is a warning signal; "from £5" can be (and often is) £10. Just and Only are generally fine. But you should always check what price other sellers are operating, to be on the safe side.
'sex' always grabs attention too............combine that with 'free' and you're on a winner.
half price
Reliable, Returnable, Cost effective.
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2 for 1 & BOGOF are others I suppose

Yes jno from is the bait
good morning usually gets my attention, at least for a time.
I watched a documentary on this sort of thing about a month ago, very interesting.
-- answer removed --
Bargain, environmetally friendly!! spring to mind
Competitive, guaranteed, discounted.
Whar they usually go for is new, improved and offer
From, just and only are not key words unless they have another word attached.

From -- price is not good as it indicates the price is likely to be higher
Just - what? Just on the market, just issued ..? not a priority for me
Only - suggests desperation, only 4 left, only this price until Monday

I wouldn't be swayed by any of these.
I thought 'just and only' were a comedy duo at first. I didn't realise you meant to include the word 'from' in the mix. lol, just the way it read.
Are you considering venturing into marketing/sales ?
boxy, I'm guessing "Just £5" and "Only £5".

I worry about "guarantee", though, unless it's very clear and unambiguous, it means you're going to have to plough through a lot of fine print to see whether it really covers anything that might happen.

Not really attracted by "new"; I don't want to be a guinea pig and I'm not into beta versions. I'll start thinking about buying something when it's a few months old and I've read the reviews.

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I would consider the words from, just & only

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