Quizzes & Puzzles0 min ago
Frontline or Advocate
Had my dog 3 years now and have always used Frontline, no problems with it or fleas. However we do have a very large fox population in the area and as such our Vet (incidentally we don't buy Frontline from him) has said that they are stopping supply of Frontline and are now pushing people locally to use Advocate because of the protection against sarcoptic mange I need to order some more treatment either Advocate or Frontline soon and wondered what other peoples thoughts are on this. I don't like chopping and changing his treatment if it isn't necessary and whilst Frontline is working, I would be happy to stay as we are, but I still have nagging doubts about what the vet has said and obviously want to do what is best for my dog. Can I have some other peoples views on this please.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.My views on Frontline are well known. Why risk it and have the nightmare of an infestation and the expense of getting rid. Just google FL not working and you will see for yourself. It doesn't mean it doesn't work for everyone but why take an unnecessary risk? Here's a previous thread on the subject.
I wouldnt touch Advocate with a barge pole...........From the Bayer website....
This product contains moxidectin (a macrocyclic lactone), special care should be taken with Collies, Old English Sheepdogs and related breeds or crossbreeds.
Panacur is far more effective to prevent lungworm. My friends dog was diagonosed with lungworm, and a strong dose of Panacur was given as the treatment.
This product contains moxidectin (a macrocyclic lactone), special care should be taken with Collies, Old English Sheepdogs and related breeds or crossbreeds.
Panacur is far more effective to prevent lungworm. My friends dog was diagonosed with lungworm, and a strong dose of Panacur was given as the treatment.
My vet isn't pushing Advocate. It was recommended by a friend. Frankly I don't care what I use as long as it's not Frontline which is practically being given away now. I never again want my poor old cat and poor old me to go through the nightmare of an infestation again. Stronghold is cheaper I believe and that is supposed to be OK.
I stand corrected, it's Stronghold which is my favourite ^^^^ - our vet went on to Advocate and we didn't like it at all, it's very runny. I complained and the makers of Advocate paid for the practice nurse to show me how to put it on so it didn't dribble away. We don't have any of the problem with Stronghold, and it covers worms too.
Regardless of whether I will use Frontline or Advocate, I won't be buying it from the vet as the price difference is just too great. Still undecided as which one to choose, OH thinks we should change to Advocate, for the protection against lungworm and sarcoptic mange, but I am still not sure as I don't like to put any necessary chemicals into Alfie and if I then have to give a general all purpose wormer as well as the Advocate as it doesn't cover tapeworm, this is increasing the amount of chemicals he has and as I have said we have no problems with Frontline Combo spot on at the moment, he also shows no interest in slugs or snails, so I am not so worried about protection for lungworm, but it is really the sarcoptic mange that worries me. A friend's dog locally had mange but she was at the time having treatment for a tumour which will probably have knackered her immune system leaving her open to things like SM and Alfie is in good health, so not sure how worried about the possible threat of SM I should be. Thanks for all your replies so far, keep them coming, it is good to hear other people's views on this.
Advocate does treat sarcoptic mange effectivley and also states to treat demodex mange aswell, although in my experience, most vets still opt for the traditional aludex baths in demodex cases. It is a well respected brand although as jules has said, not to be used in collies or old english sheepdogs or crosses of these breeds.
Remember the sarcoptic scabei mite is zoonotic so can be passed to humans.Brands like stronghold also offer protection against this.
Advocate will also give extra protection against endoparasites (inside) such as lungworms and heartworms.
I would be inclined to agree with your vets, frontline combi for cats - I believe is good but I have not heard such great opinions on frontline for dogs in recent times.
Remember the sarcoptic scabei mite is zoonotic so can be passed to humans.Brands like stronghold also offer protection against this.
Advocate will also give extra protection against endoparasites (inside) such as lungworms and heartworms.
I would be inclined to agree with your vets, frontline combi for cats - I believe is good but I have not heard such great opinions on frontline for dogs in recent times.
YouWhat - you can ask your vet for a prescription of any drug they recommend and source these drugs elsewhere using this but as icemaiden said there will be a prescription charge, sometimes around £10 or a little over.
Some pet stores such as pets at home - have untrained veterinary staff who have undergone a short course which earns them the title of 'Suitably Qualified Person' this entitles them to prescribe some drugs to your animal ie POM-VPS drugs ( prescription only medicine - veternarian, pharmacist or suitably qualified person) This came into affect when they changed all the drug classes a few years ago. So your flea and tick treatment will be under this.
Some pet stores such as pets at home - have untrained veterinary staff who have undergone a short course which earns them the title of 'Suitably Qualified Person' this entitles them to prescribe some drugs to your animal ie POM-VPS drugs ( prescription only medicine - veternarian, pharmacist or suitably qualified person) This came into affect when they changed all the drug classes a few years ago. So your flea and tick treatment will be under this.