..in the middle of the road near me.
V sad, he was still warm, just delivered him to the RSPCA hospital, I hope the owner/s find him somehow. He wasn't 'chipped'.
Sorry, not a question but needed to share.
had what seemed to be injured cat come in to us,gone away again,our own cat seemed put about though no 'cat'swearing,if come back in morning,will take to vet,so sad when these things happen!
I was on the main road to Devizes. i rang the police and they said we will call it suicde as you will not find the farmer as he will not want to be sued for damages.
No I did not take it home, but the car coming toward me did.
You should have taken it to West Kennet Longbarrow and offered it up as a sacrifice to the Gods of fine ale then maybe Gibbs Mew mightn't have gone bust (Damn I miss Bishop's Tipple!)
What you did was thoughtful. You went out of your way to try and reunite a cat with its owner. When a cat goes missing it is the not knowing what happened to them that makes it so difficult.
Pitty pussycat wasn't chipped - my two are and they never move far from the fridge.
I have lost two of my cats to cars and was so very very grateful for the wonderful people who found them and brought them back to me and the kindness they showed.
It would have devastated me even more to either to find them myself or to have never known.
Thank you for your kind thoughts. I put two notices out today, one at the local vet and another in the local corner shop. I haven't heard anything back as to whether the owner has been reunited with puss. I really hope it's not an elderly person who doesn't know what to do in order to find out where his/her cat is.