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FGT I am doing this for 9 years and now so he does know - when he is out at the back I call him and I say "would like to sit out the front and out he dances - genuinely FGT - he loves it - he sees down the street, cars blah etc. - then I get ready and take him to the park etc. It is only for about 15-30 mins. And I keep eye on him all the time. It is his wee time. Truly he loves it. When he took sick two months ago - staring into space, putting his back to us, hiding behind the bin at the back of house - no amount of prompting would get him out. Now he is a wee better - do you wanna go outside - ears prick up and comes dancing out. I do know my own wee dog. I just would love him to enjoy being outside with this territorial bark. But I have lived with it and sure knows how long I've got with him. So take it one day at a time. thanks all